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Bank Bill Pay Instructions 

Most banks allow you to pay bills through your bank. You may also use this “Bill Pay” feature to send support. Check with your bank or your bank’s website. This can be set up as a one-time payment or recurring payments. You have control over changing the amount or date at any time through your bank.

In the account or memo filed put in your designation (i.e. staff member’s name). 

Please send the payment to: Open Door Fellowship Church, PO Box 18018, Denver, CO 80218

Thank You!

Need Help?

To ask questions or manage your giving directly please email Kim Sierra at

"I think many churches offer church on Sunday, community during the week, etc. However, ODF is a high-stakes community. Where we are literally keeping people alive by giving them hope and connecting them with friends and resources. We are an extremely honest church, where people aren't hiding who they are or what they're going through. And in a lot of ways all the ministries at Open Door Community are intertwined with ODF... I think in terms of welcoming those who have nowhere to go, ODF is a church unlike anything else."

-Written by a Community Member